Perks of Digitizing Every Business Unit
Prakash Dharmani, Group CIO, Essel Propack Limited
Another project i.e. Electronic Artwork Collaboration Tool was initiated to completely digitize the one of the most important process in Tube Manufacturing i.e. capturing of Customers requirements electronically in terms of Artworks i.e the graphics which gets printed on Tubes. We not only converted the process of capturing the requirements electronically, the complete process of Artwork gathering, development of artwork, resending it to customer for approval, etc was converted into workflow thereby reducing huge amount of time in approvals & reducing the manual errors. By implementing graphic management system which is best in class software, catering to packaging industry, it has brought in paradigm shift in Artwork development and processing in our organization.
Hurdles to Overcome to Align IT with Business Objectives
Change management is the biggest hurdle which I believe is faced by any organisation which trying to implement new technologies. When a task is being done manually, there is no traceability, which is convenient for many people. For example: when we are raising Capex, the whole process used to be so slow, and down the line people used to get frustrated and sometimes it also resulted in the loss of the documents. With the new process in place, the whole process is being monitored. Similarly even in the art work system, initially there was a resistance in implementing these kinds of systems as every one becomes accountable at every stage.
Another technical hurdle which we face is availability of high quality bandwidth in remote areas. In spite of the emergence of 3G/ 4G, basic infrastructure has not improved in India. Thus it becomes a challenge in implementing solutions which requires higher bandwidth or low latency.
Analytics is future:
Any progressive organisation cannot undermine importance of Analytics. We have adopted hybrid approach of implementing standard off the shelf products and open source statistical solutions and porting the data on mobile devices. We had also deployed monitors in the plant so that shop floor people can view their KPI’s and take timely decision and corrective actions.
Assuring Standardization is Core value
ERP implementation was done on a template approach with a got single instance of ERP running out of a Navi Mumbai datacenter Secondly we have functional consultants for each of core modules who can go through the requirements of end users and provide solutions which ensures standardization. EP for instance has developed internally, a concept of business process owners where they look at the model and after they approve we move ahead. So with these practises we ensure standardization across global while reducing the cost of maintenance and implementation. Any new process or system which we rollout for a particular region, we ensure that the same gets rolled out across the globe if it’s relevant. Monthly interactions are fruitful, where the CXO team participate in the reviewing the IT progress.
Peep into Future:
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is being embraced by manufacturing sector. Moreover, I believe 3D printing has a huge scope and will be a game changer down the line.
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