Bringing Ideas to Life with 3D Printing
CIOReview Team | Monday, 16 January 2017, 12:24 IST
Imaginarium, India’s largest 3D Printing company, in association with TechM8, a young squad of tech geniuses between 12-14 years of age, conducted a first of its kind workshop at its facility in Mumbai, encouraging children to embrace technology in varied applications.
Metamorphosis Café, an initiative by Imaginarium is an interface that aims at making 3D Printing accessible to schools, colleges, educational platforms, and Makerspaces empowering students of today to be application experts of tomorrow. With efforts like this Imaginarium has opened itself up to help anyone bring their concepts to life. In the long run, they want to establish themselves as the platform that supports ideas and businesses to thrive on top of their infrastructure and knowledge built up for over 10 years now.
Held in two sessions, the workshop aimed at providing a hands-on experience to children in designing using CAD, and the process of 3D printing as a part of STEM education. The first session saw kids from School Of Life, an NGO working for the upliftment of underprivileged children, interacting with experts from Imaginarium while learning to unleash their creativity and let computers and robots empower them along the way.
The second workshop, Gear Up Girls, engaged a group of female teenagers who love to tinker with technology. As an initiative to bridge the gap in male to female ratio in STEM categories, teenage girls from a number of schools across Mumbai came together to share knowledge and inspiration around the latest disruptive technologies and role models.
Commenting on the occasion, Guruprasad K Rao who is part of the Leadership Team at Imaginarium said, “Working with children is always a great and enriching experience. The youngsters of today are smart, imaginative and highly knowledgeable about the latest trends in technology. They have an unquenched thirst for all concepts novel and revolutionary in nature. 3D Printing is a breakthrough technology and through initiatives like these, we aim at educating young and fresh minds”.
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